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A mainstream media use of the word 'Gypsy' |
After posting the following on my facebook page I received a reply from a now 'unfriend' that I was engaging in offensive cultural misappropriation regarding the use of the word 'Gypsy':
Alright peeps listen up! I've got the solution to this not quite right fitting in the box hipster thing. I was never a true hippy so I could never be a true hipster, which is the consumer evolution of the hippy. But I am a gypsy in many senses of the word and so the natural consumer evolution of a gypsy is well, guess what? You guessed it! I'm a f***ing Gypster!
Go the Gypster Revolution!
**Edit - Discussion question: Is using the word 'gypsy' in this sense offensive cultural misappropriation? If so, is using the word Nazi to describe a fanatic of something also cultural misappropriation? What is evolution of a language, what is western exhorbitance and what is appropriate? I've been pulled up on this so please, let's start a discussion about it.
I decided to ask someone from Eastern Europe, as I have a friend in Macedonia and this is the response:
for western europe i suppose it is not something offensive, because actually they don`t have gipsies since 60-70 years... slowly they died away, fade away... and people there don`t know what exactly is gipsy, for some of them it is even smth exotic... but in eastern europe it could be offensive, or you could be misunderstood if you say you live like a gipsy... but anyway, it will not cause you any real problems, just people here have a lot of prejudices about gipsies
So while I won't be reprimanding anyone for the use of the word within western europe if used on myself in either a positive or a negative tone, for myself I'll probably just use the word - Nomad.
The problem being here is that Nomadster is no where as phonetically attractive and I'm back to square one, and that is the square of having no square. Where is my box? I need a box to put myself in because all the derogatory boxes I naturally fall into in society work against me.
Hippy, anarchist, punk, bludger, free-loader - I may just have to stay with hipster and attempt to be more hipster. I represent a freedom that to many should not exist and a natural response to this is to negatively label me - Including the label of a drug addict or an alchoholic.
It's natural for a person such as myself who is in the public eye constantly to have high psychological defences. I also have learned about myself that I am a mimic and sometimes I conform to people's projections and expectations of me without conscious effort. This can work for me when I am around people that love me but it can work against me when I'm around people that despise me. I feel and see energy in the sense that I'm aware of a flow or a non-flow of it on the street and it has a great effect on my playing and singing and also the way I am received. I'm an unwilling shaman.
Unfortunately, I'm being serious about this, if I want to be heard I have to be seen in a positive light as an equal in society. The mass is controlled by public perception and this includes the convenient security of putting people in boxes.
Hippy, anarchist, punk, bludger, free-loader - I may just have to stay with hipster and attempt to be more hipster. I represent a freedom that to many should not exist and a natural response to this is to negatively label me - Including the label of a drug addict or an alchoholic.
It's natural for a person such as myself who is in the public eye constantly to have high psychological defences. I also have learned about myself that I am a mimic and sometimes I conform to people's projections and expectations of me without conscious effort. This can work for me when I am around people that love me but it can work against me when I'm around people that despise me. I feel and see energy in the sense that I'm aware of a flow or a non-flow of it on the street and it has a great effect on my playing and singing and also the way I am received. I'm an unwilling shaman.
Unfortunately, I'm being serious about this, if I want to be heard I have to be seen in a positive light as an equal in society. The mass is controlled by public perception and this includes the convenient security of putting people in boxes.
While I want to encourage people away from the behaviour of automatically putting people in boxes, this is so far an ingrained conditioning that to assume I can get rid of it in one generation is a sensational fantasy.
So to those of us that see the game and are serious about playing it we can see that being an 'individual' in the western sense of the word is a product of consumerism.
I'm quite happy to sacrifice my 'individuality' in order to make my message and my voice heard.