- Chemical/Biological: Coffee, Masturbation, Alchohol, Weed.
- Social: Friends, family, work, sex, groups.
- Astrological: Stars, Planets, Sun spots and flares, moon.
How do you decide what percentage of the above is affecting you in a time when you're having it hard or having a high?
For example, if I over indulge in a chemical behaviour alterant, I can at least hang my woes on a hook that I know isn't going to be there for very long if I just sit it out.
Then there are times, the group I'm hanging out with are having a collective low or high and I share it with them as an isolated field of consciousness.
And then there is the reality that all is frequency and the stars, sun, moon and planets in different arrangements affect my behaviour and the greater mass of the whole population of the earth, in varying degrees.
Where do we decide to what effect each of these factors influence our behaviour and how can we be accurate to pinpoint the cause of a low or a high, or a highly intuitive period. At what point is it individual, communal or macrocosmic?
To see this clearly for me is to have security in the fact that even if I am low, it will pass and I just need to be patient with myself whatever the cause. Also at times, I will go so high that I feel I am over extending myself and can feel it will cause a greater low later to fly too high.
I, like many people I'm sure, wish to find some sort of equilibrium.
To know the cause of each of the parts assists in this process greatly.
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