Saturday, 14 January 2017

Pre-suppositionology - The study of the unseen obvious

Learn the pre-suppositions of the media. Those are the assumptions that require no thought. These are conditioning.

Things like, how extremely common some form or either army or law enforcement are in the movies. They never get missed out. Imagine a world without law enforcement and trained government paid killers? Wait, you can't because your imagination has been filled with countless worlds and realities where they are always required to protect you and serve you - because you could never do that for yourself, you helpless pathetic human being always dependent on the government.

The pre-supposition of the normalisation of misogyny is another, the repression of the feminine.

Consider newsreaders, looking at you in the eye as though they are a friend giving you information you trust, while reading off a screen some corporate slave has been told to write for a political agenda, or paid to write by a corporate entity to encourage spending in a particular market sector.

And consider the sequence of the news, what news stories when, the feel good story at the end. What specifically is focused on consistently over time, what agenda is persistent.

Look for similarities across the mediums and try to see things you've never seen before. Patterns, repetitions, similarities. Things you've taken for granted. Things that are right in front of your eyes.

Then consider how this has an effect on the human on a mass scale.

Normalisation of anything through repetition is how to program the mass unconscious to generate behaviour and conformity that has little chance of being detected.

Boiling a frog through slowly increasing the water temperature is how to kill it without its awareness of its impending doom.

Some of this conditioning is deliberate and some of it is unconscious and non-controlled - nature conforming to herself through time in search of some form of harmony from being forced into a system based in conflict.

Keep an open mind in all things.

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