Thursday, 23 February 2017

Sexual Energy - Repression, the Church and Magick

The truth is that sexual energy is what drives human behaviour. This energy can be directed into almost anything to achieve almost anything and is most effective when directed in groups with a deliberate shared intention. To limit sexual energy exclusively to sexual activity is a limitation on our abilities and on consciousness. We aren't taught about the nature of sexual energy in school, but it's something many of us discover along the way.

Individually sexual energy can be channeled into a skill or talent for the purpose of mastery. Many have done this and have achieved greatness.

Some affirmations to assist with directing this energy:
"The path that I focus on is the path that lights up."
"Where attention goes, energy flows."

The church has the monopoly on sexual energy through repression. It harvests its follower's energy. The symbols that fill the cathedral walls originate from another dimension, directing all this energy into itself - feeding and sucking off the raw life energy of humanity.

The church wished to outlaw magick in the dark ages because it wishes to have the monopoly on magick. Every ceremony performed in a church is a ritual performed for a purpose. These magick rituals direct the group's energy via a shared intention to create a specific outcome.

A large enough store of this energy can give the channeler of a group, movement or cult super human abilities.

The image oriented mainstream media that causes us all to focus incessantly on the sexual act in our social lives, drives humanity into a state of hyper-sexualisation. This is an unhealthy state for the human being where our power is never truly within our grasp, where our sexual energy is constantly being whisked away by regular ejaculations. In a holy mystic school in a truly equal society where knowledge is equal, people would be raised in the power of the knowledge of what they possess. This is an ideal world that has existed before in ages past.

Sex magick and blood magick - it's all relevant and it has real effects on our reality. Intention + energy = outcome - the definition of magick.

Wake up to the power we all possess and learn to channel what you already have through directed intention, discipline, focus and meditation. I'm not a kook. This isn't rocket science, it's quantum physics.

In Love,


Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Let's Promote Co-operative Busking Culture!

Here I am busking at the International Jazz Festival in Cork, I was accosted by a troup of french mime clowns

Busking is fast popularizing. It's always been a fringe fad. But now every man, woman, child and dog are getting out there and having a go. It's great to see so much music on the streets!

Remember to respect shop owners, people and other buskers. This is important to ensure the longevity of the practice - keeping it permit-free because music is about spontaneous expression and sharing. We don't need policy to bog us down and restrict our expression. So here's some simple rules, from my experience as an international busker of three years, that will help the busking experience stick around for longer than a yoyo and assist everybody in respecting us as honest folk making a living:

1. For towns and cities with regular busking, use regular busking spots first. These spots are established in the people's minds as busking pitches because there is regular street entertainment there. It's an unwritten code. Shops around those areas are prepared for music because they are used to it. (It doesn't always mean they want it). Respect the people, it's polite to use spots that have been used before as a first choice.

When these spots are filled on busy days, be creative and respectful when choosing a new spot. If you maintain good rapport with the people around you in a new spot, it can become a regular spot for you personally with people and shop owners looking forward to your next performance.

2. If using an amp, don't use high volume to make your act stand out. Unnecessarily high volume is what gets shop owners complaining and policies made to protect them from you. Try being just loud enough to be heard clearly ten or twenty metres away. There are busking pitches where acoustics are awesome and the sound carries quite far but be mindful not to fill up too larger a space with your sound out of respect to other buskers. I was busking in Perth in Scotland a couple of years ago and there was a pan piper playing obscenely loud music to a backing track while another person was selling CDs. No doubt they made their living, but where there were normally three or four buskers making their dough on the main strip, there was one centrally located extremely loud busker that drowned out all other buskers. This is a selfish practice and it's what gets using amps banned.

Be respectful of acoustic acts if you have an amp, they can't throw sound like you and require a greater dedicated space to create their feel. If in doubt - communicate, talk to people, and ask them - "Am I too close? Is this ok for you?" Seek to create a culture of communication on the streets, we all need to make our dough.

Aim to be approachable. If a shop owner or a person from the public asks you to turn it down - do so. We are all working together to create the best experience for a happier people. Remember happy people means more money for you and louder does not mean talented. There are some public that respond to loudness and high reverb - please don't fall into the trap of trying to please these people only - it is our aim to please as many people as possible. We are an unintroduced public act and we must give people the respect of allowing them to get away from our music if they choose to do so.

3. Communicate with fellow buskers! Speak to them! If you set up only metres from another busker that is already playing - please reconsider your actions. A culture of co-operation works best for everyone involved. In Galway, there is a good unwritten busking code that most buskers follow. There are set busking pitches, set by the buskers. People play for approximately two hours and then they move. You can ask the current busker if you can be next on the spot and they'll give you a time and do their best to ensure you get the spot at the changeover. Buskers respect this unwritten code and work together in respect of each other so everyone can have a go and/or make their living.

If there is a busker that has just started busking recently and seems to be getting in your way, be kind enough to give them a small introduction into co-operative busking ethics without the flavour of anger on your tongue.

If you're act is predominantly spiritual for the sake of 'spreading the good word' - please don't dominate a space with a loud speaker or keep a spot for longer than two hours.  Remember that there are real people that do this for a real living and no matter how urgent your need to spread the gospel - their need to eat that day is greater. The same goes for charities that use busking to raise money. This is good for you I see but I've seen three or four pitches taken up by a charity with a 'super-act' with twenty people with buckets collecting coins in Galway, meanwhile the city was sucked dry and people make an honest living were deprived of an income. Let's work together. You want to do good? Great, just use one spot and don't dominate an entire city. Allow others to do their thing. Your thing, no matter how good is not better than anyone else's necessity to make a living. Let's do good, but not cut off others in the process. Respect.


When things go wrong, and co-operation is not possible between people and buskers, maintain a cool head and just let things slide. Anger on the streets is probably the most unattractive thing ever, and it's the easiest way to get a negative reputation, directly affecting your ability to make a living.

Being a busker is like having the fame of being a public personality but not having the millions of dollars to hide from the people. This means we are observed with a keen eye by passerbyers. A negative reputation in a city is hard to shake. I speak from experience and I've learned from my mistakes.

These simple rules will help us all get along and serve to promote the longevity of policy free busking with or without an amp. Busking is not illegal, but give towns a reason to strap it down with regulation and it will be. I need to make a living and you need to make one too, let's work together.

If you find a nice little town that isn't use to busking but loves music on the street (AKA a busking gold mine), please be respectful to everyone in the town so other buskers that come along have the opportunity to do the same and fill their pockets for a rainy day.

Co-operative busking culture actually promotes tourism and industry, so it is within a town or cities interest to have buskers and street performers there.

Oh and here's a couple more things just for the heck of it: please learn more than 3 songs, try not to repeat a song more than once in a thirty minute space and attempt to learn any song other than Wonderwall by Oasis. =)

People appreciate novelty and innovation on the street, make an act interesting even if you're just one person and a guitar (dress up, use a rug on the ground to create the feeling you're on a stage, find a nice box or case for your tips to show you value their contribution).

My opinion, bring back the classics!



Sunday, 19 February 2017

Living knowledge - the latest drug hitting the streets of Europe

"The map is not the territory." - Alfred Korzybski

The difference between intellectual knowledge and living knowledge is the difference between being able to repeat something mindlessly for a debate or having a ready practical application. Living knowledge is a part of ourselves through doing and experience.

Intellectual knowledge is separate from us - accessible only as words and ideas. Intellectual knowledge can become living knowledge but it requires application, exploration, experimentation and experience. So often the two are confused. People with intellectual knowledge believing they have living knowledge walking around telling people that do have living knowledge how to live their lives and the world is shaped around them.

Knowledge is power, but knowledge without action is useless. Living knowledge is an individual's own spell book, ways that the user knows through experience that they can get a desired result because they have done it before. Professors that have spent no time outside of academia are useful only in what they have applied personally through experience.

If we know only ideas and words, we have learned nothing that can assist. These words and ideas can become training wheels to create real live experience but let us take down these deities and high men and women that sit on their thrones of intellectualism - let us replace what is intellectual with experience. We can learn from books - we can study and become knowledgeable about what we do. But only through experience and willingness to create experience can this knowledge be of any use to us in the real world.

Politicians that have never lived a day on the streets saying they know how a person on the street feels and making policies to govern and dictate their lives is just one example. In the famous symbol of the eye on top of a pyramid, the only level that is blind is the eye itself because the eye can only see in one direction.

"Accurate communication is possible only in a non-punishing situation." - Celine's Second Law.

Communication can only occur between equals. Equals should lead equals until leaders are irrelevant. In a world where we need no leaders, knowledge is equal and experience is equal. Then respect can be had for things that matter and for the people that deserve it - People that teach living worlds with the living words called experience.

In Love,


Cymatics - The occult knowledge of form, hidden in frequency

Cymatics is evidence that vibration or frequency can manipulate form. This is occult knowledge (occult simply meaning hidden). If we were taught this growing up our minds would be tuned to the concept that frequency controls the form of matter. With this knowledge we become creators ourselves.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” ~ Nikola Tesla

Water creates similar patterns. We and the surface of our planet primarily consist of water.

Think about it. Really think about the implications of this knowledge.

The earth's magnetic field creates an extremely low frequency called the Schumann resonance at 7.83 hertz. That's 7.83 cycles per second. This frequency changes according to fluctuations in the field.

Frequency dictates thought. Consider that a large part of human behaviour is dictated on a subconscious level by the resonant frequencies of any given environment.

If the dominant resonant frequency of earth were to change drastically, a drastic change in human behaviour could quite accurately be predicted. As well as emitting their own frequencies solar flares and planetary bodies manipulate the earth's magnetic field. This has a direct effect on human behaviour.

How many are aware of this?

I'm a musician and I feel the tonalities when I sing them, I rely on feeling my music to know what to play or sing next. I improvise a lot, playing many different popular songs in my own style (as well as my own songs). I am a deliberate wielder of frequencies, a magician of sorts and I recognize this power to trigger and induce emotion within the human through frequency.

Frequency and the effect it has on consciousness is real. Its study will take us into many realms of the deep dark night we have dared not venture before.  Are you ready to explore the universe?

In Love,


The Pitfalls of Synchronicity

Synchronicity, shmynchronicity - every moment you're alive is a synchronicity. Imagine what would happen if you treated every moment with the same zeal that you treat yourself with when you look at a clock and see 11:11 or 33. Get over it. Look at the bigger picture. Everything is synchronising constantly, and your little mind just started to notice. Woopee! Gold star for you! Christmas comes everyday if you're paying attention.

"Am I doing the right thing?"
"Is this a sign?"
Code for - I still don't want to take responsibility of my reality.

Let 'signs' come and go. Observe reality. Don't go out of your way to hinge your world on these 'signs'. The endgame is you taking responsibility of your awareness - not you having a fluffy love experience of eternal transcendental light. That may be part of it, but anything that takes you away from spiritual independence is a time loop which will bring you back to this same one point.

This point being: Taking self-responsibility of your mind, your life, your creations, your fear and your world - Manifesting oneness and equality for all sentient beings and for all of consciousness.

In Love,


Saturday, 18 February 2017

Survival is the first reality

Survival is the first reality - The only reality that is really real.

While we live in many unnecessary realities in this pre-apocalyptic consumer driven world - I maintain the ability to differentiate between what is necessary for survival and what is not. If you're still dreaming of becoming a pop star, eating pop tarts, sleeping on a fluffy white mattress - be certain, your fall from delusion will be sudden and violent when real reality comes knocking. We can still participate in these numerous realities for now in our leisure but a skill-set based in survival is our foremost priority. This skill set is a living set of tools which is living, experiential knowledge.

What is surviving?
The spirit?
The ego?
The body?

What is necessary for the survival of all the parts of you that you deem necessary to push forward into the unforgiving future?

We cannot survive on the ability to use force alone. Our spirit also requires sustenance. We can only survive by working together, so community and communication are paramount to this skill-set. Take everything into account.

Have I experience with working with others as a community? What is my place within that community? Is it a necessary place in the community personality matrix for the survival of the community as a greater entity?

What values must I uphold for my 'self' to survive?

What will I fight to death to keep? Is it worth keeping? What is lost if I don't fight to keep what I deem necessary for the survival of my spirit?

What is community?
What is family?

What do I want?

Sunday, 12 February 2017

Addressing the Subconscious Desire to Stir Shit

Now that I am a self-aware shit stirrer, I don't want to stir shit so much. Infact, I want to become completely aware of my shit-stirring abilities so I can rope them in.

Please forgive my past stirrings and please confront me with honesty when my anger takes me for a ride.

In order to be effective in this reality I must purify my actions and my expression so that I no longer do anything just for a reaction, just for approval or just to appease my insecurities. In the future I can change this by doing more research on a topic and back up my words and thoughts with reputable sources and openly admit when I choose a single perspective; I can learn when my expression is not controlled by me consciously or is reactionary (through using constant breath awareness meditation); I can trust myself sincerely to know that what I learn from experience is true and honest regardless of an opposing view (by however large a group).

What is left to do then? Be content with being ordinary. Just be a normal person like everybody else, stop trying to be special or unique or 'chosen' or necessary or 'right'. These are all conditionings that my emotional past latches onto in order to have a strong hold of my identity.

"Unless it is right for everybody, it is not right for anybody." - I heard this once and it is rings true with another common proverb, "Communication can only occur between equals." Elitism through a belief I have the 'key knowledge' and must infect humanity with it in order for them to be saved is a conditioning I have retained from my childhood through religion and I still retain it subconsciously. I wish to purge myself of this self-righteousness and allow others in my reality to be who and what they are without judgement or discrimination from myself.

It is no one person's responsibility to assist me in seeing my own mind fuck or to let me know when I am stirring shit (most times not intending to, or with the 'best of intentions' in view of a 'bigger picture'). I am not a sacrifice for anyone or anything and I choose not to be that symbol in consciousness any longer.

I am ever thankful for the people that have risked their own sincerity to undercut mine by telling me how it really is in a brash moment of honesty gifting me with a glimpse of truth for my mind to grab onto, having been seeded with an itch I could not scratch until I faced myself.

This subconscious desire to shit-stir is an 'entity possession' of sorts, and I relinquish control of this emotional entity over myself. I take self-responsibility of actions performed by it through me.

Please note: I address subconscious emotionally driven entities within others to say that this is not a free ticket to pin me with your problems (as many admissions of issues with the self become an easy target for those that wish to avoid taking self-responsibility (namely almost everybody, lol) - I know this process intrinsically because it is true to my experience of what I have done to others).

And understand, it is never a one way street, perpetuation of abuse requires a victim and a predator role. Without either, the energetic resonance of the desired conflict that generates the emotion cannot be upheld. Thus, I present this as an honest statement of myself to myself, shared here simply because I have noticed other unconscious shit-stirrers in this world, also plagued by emotional entities of the past, who are slowly and tactfully avoided by everyone around them but not often given the blatant truth that seeds a change.

Generally we are people that have a lot of anger to go around and are not always in control of where it goes. I have my music. At least in this I have a release that is largely non-abusive.

So here it is frankly, I'm not your super hero and neither is anyone else. You need to help yourself. Part of that self-assistance is opening up and allowing others in but ultimately you're alone in this process.

I endeavor to ask the question when in doubt of the sincerity of my actions - "Am I stirring shit? Is this what I want? Am I willing to face the consequences of this action?" Walking into shit stirring consciously is the first step. I endeavor to do consciously what I already do subconsciously, so I can observe my own actions and reactions for the purpose of discovering what free-will is really about, learning how to engineer my own conditioning.

In Unconditional Love,


Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Affirmation and Magick: An Introduction

As an interesting person with an interesting history, I have used many affirmations throughout this life. I will share a couple that have struck a long-term chord and I will share the reasons behind why they work for me.

First off, affirmations are not strictly new age bullshit.
As above, so below. We're talking about age old hermeticism, (Hermeticism, also called Hermetism, is a religious, philosophical, and esoteric tradition based primarily upon writings attributed to Hermes Trismegistus ("Thrice Great").

Input = output.

"As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." (Proverbs 23:70).

I am not religious or dogmatic, I take my knowledge from many sources and then I seek to integrate that knowledge as experience, so that knowledge is no longer simply an idea or a 'handy tidbit' but an experience and a reality. Experienced truth is a 'ready-magick-spell' to be used at any moment.

We purify what we speak from our intellectual mind into experienced truth by using time. And in this experience, we learn every derivative of how something can be true for the purpose of living effectively.

Advertising uses the principle: repetition is the master of learning. According to this source seeing something 20 times is effective (

They are training our consciousness, conditioning us to believe in their product. The same is done for dogma or religion, or the first world ideas of 'equality' or 'equal-society', 'democracy' and 'freedom'. These are all belief systems dependent upon imprinting an impression of reality onto the subtle moldable mind of a growing innocent child.

From this perspective, affirmations are a way of taking control of your own conditioning and programming yourself (much like a computer).

Affirmation 1:

"I am alone."

Etymologically 'alone' comes from old english - all-one. (

This affirmation can be used to isolate your awareness from mainstream consciousness. This is necessary because the mass-consciousness is actually insane and its ends quite obviously are heading towards death and ignorance.


Affirmation 2:

"I stand as I am,
I use what I have,
I do what I can."

This says, I can do something because I stand from the location I am in. I act from where I am. I use what I have not coveting what I don't. I do what is possible in this moment not groveling over things that I can't. And from this starting point, I can work onwards and upwards to anything because I have laid the greatest foundation of all to develop my ability to act in this world - Reality.


Practice a simple breathing meditation (focus on your breath and the feeling it causes in your nose and body) constantly throughout your day when feeling like you are being attacked by others psychically and use the first affirmation.

When in a dire state of helplessness believing you can do and change nothing, use the second affirmation.

These are magickal spells that when used correctly, have the power to change your reality. When used repetitively they become second nature.

Take intention seriously and intention will take you seriously. Affirmations work. Speak in your heart when around others, speak aloud alone at home at any given moment, the more you do it the greater the effect of the conditioning. Like a good home-remedy you can tell when you've had enough and a natural rejection to it will be developed if you over use it.

You will face every derivative of how these affirmations are true by using them repetitively. Your reality will start to be shaped around them.

Be careful what you wish for, you will get it. Everything you ever wanted will come to you in one form or another. This is magick.
The definition of Magick is, Willful intention = result. Many tools and rituals can be used in this process but this is the simple definition. Everyone everywhere is performing magick constantly and most often without awareness of this fact.

Magick is not specifically mystical, 'magical', shiny, unreachable fantastical glamourous bullshit like it is projected into consciousness through the movies and the media.

Magick is simply getting what you want via the clear willful intention of wanting it.

"Do as thou wilt, that is the whole of the law." - Aleister Crowley.
(Please note: I do not endorse Crowley's behaviour, it does not mean I cannot learn from his life and experience.)

Be careful what you wish for, it will come to you.

Learn enough lessons through self interest or go straight to altruistic purposes. But just be true to you, discover what is real for yourself.

Don't just take my word for it. However if you mock another's sincerity, you risk undercutting your own, thus debilitating your own process of actualisation until you can finally face it again alone in a timed experience.

Make your own affirmations if you need. Understand the underlying principle - we are controlled by our conditioning, repetition is conditioning and repetition is the master of learning, if you aren't willing to really give affirmation a good go yet, at least observe all forms of repetition and affirmation that already exist in your reality and discern the effects of these conditions on your behaviour and survival.

When you are ready, you will be bored of simply observing and make the decision to change your own conditions for survival at whatever cost.

What is surviving?

What is the cost?

Jump in, have a go. What have you got to lose?
