As an interesting person with an interesting history, I have used many affirmations throughout this life. I will share a couple that have struck a long-term chord and I will share the reasons behind why they work for me.
First off, affirmations are not strictly new age bullshit.
As above, so below. We're talking about age old hermeticism, (Hermeticism, also called Hermetism, is a religious, philosophical, and esoteric tradition based primarily upon writings attributed to Hermes Trismegistus ("Thrice Great"). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermeticism)
Input = output.
"As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." (Proverbs 23:70).
I am not religious or dogmatic, I take my knowledge from many sources and then I seek to integrate that knowledge as experience, so that knowledge is no longer simply an idea or a 'handy tidbit' but an experience and a reality. Experienced truth is a 'ready-magick-spell' to be used at any moment.
We purify what we speak from our intellectual mind into experienced truth by using time. And in this experience, we learn every derivative of how something can be true for the purpose of living effectively.
Advertising uses the principle: repetition is the master of learning. According to this source seeing something 20 times is effective (https://thefinancialbrand.com/42323/advertising-marketing-messages-effective-frequency/)

They are training our consciousness, conditioning us to believe in their product. The same is done for dogma or religion, or the first world ideas of 'equality' or 'equal-society', 'democracy' and 'freedom'. These are all belief systems dependent upon imprinting an impression of reality onto the subtle moldable mind of a growing innocent child.
From this perspective, affirmations are a way of taking control of your own conditioning and programming yourself (much like a computer).
Affirmation 1:

"I am alone."
Etymologically 'alone' comes from old english - all-one. (http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=alone)
This affirmation can be used to isolate your awareness from mainstream consciousness. This is necessary because the mass-consciousness is actually insane and its ends quite obviously are heading towards death and ignorance.
Affirmation 2:

"I stand as I am,
I use what I have,
I do what I can."
This says, I can do something because I stand from the location I am in. I act from where I am. I use what I have not coveting what I don't. I do what is possible in this moment not groveling over things that I can't. And from this starting point, I can work onwards and upwards to anything because I have laid the greatest foundation of all to develop my ability to act in this world - Reality.
Practice a simple breathing meditation (focus on your breath and the feeling it causes in your nose and body) constantly throughout your day when feeling like you are being attacked by others psychically and use the first affirmation.
When in a dire state of helplessness believing you can do and change nothing, use the second affirmation.
These are magickal spells that when used correctly, have the power to change your reality. When used repetitively they become second nature.
Take intention seriously and intention will take you seriously. Affirmations work. Speak in your heart when around others, speak aloud alone at home at any given moment, the more you do it the greater the effect of the conditioning. Like a good home-remedy you can tell when you've had enough and a natural rejection to it will be developed if you over use it.
You will face every derivative of how these affirmations are true by using them repetitively. Your reality will start to be shaped around them.
Be careful what you wish for, you will get it. Everything you ever wanted will come to you in one form or another. This is magick.
The definition of Magick is, Willful intention = result. Many tools and rituals can be used in this process but this is the simple definition. Everyone everywhere is performing magick constantly and most often without awareness of this fact.
Magick is not specifically mystical, 'magical', shiny, unreachable fantastical glamourous bullshit like it is projected into consciousness through the movies and the media.
Magick is simply getting what you want via the clear willful intention of wanting it.
"Do as thou wilt, that is the whole of the law." - Aleister Crowley.
(Please note: I do not endorse Crowley's behaviour, it does not mean I cannot learn from his life and experience.)
Be careful what you wish for, it will come to you.
Learn enough lessons through self interest or go straight to altruistic purposes. But just be true to you, discover what is real for yourself.
Don't just take my word for it. However if you mock another's sincerity, you risk undercutting your own, thus debilitating your own process of actualisation until you can finally face it again alone in a timed experience.
Make your own affirmations if you need. Understand the underlying principle - we are controlled by our conditioning, repetition is conditioning and repetition is the master of learning, if you aren't willing to really give affirmation a good go yet, at least observe all forms of repetition and affirmation that already exist in your reality and discern the effects of these conditions on your behaviour and survival.
When you are ready, you will be bored of simply observing and make the decision to change your own conditions for survival at whatever cost.
What is surviving?
What is the cost?

Jump in, have a go. What have you got to lose?
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