Thursday, 23 February 2017

Sexual Energy - Repression, the Church and Magick

The truth is that sexual energy is what drives human behaviour. This energy can be directed into almost anything to achieve almost anything and is most effective when directed in groups with a deliberate shared intention. To limit sexual energy exclusively to sexual activity is a limitation on our abilities and on consciousness. We aren't taught about the nature of sexual energy in school, but it's something many of us discover along the way.

Individually sexual energy can be channeled into a skill or talent for the purpose of mastery. Many have done this and have achieved greatness.

Some affirmations to assist with directing this energy:
"The path that I focus on is the path that lights up."
"Where attention goes, energy flows."

The church has the monopoly on sexual energy through repression. It harvests its follower's energy. The symbols that fill the cathedral walls originate from another dimension, directing all this energy into itself - feeding and sucking off the raw life energy of humanity.

The church wished to outlaw magick in the dark ages because it wishes to have the monopoly on magick. Every ceremony performed in a church is a ritual performed for a purpose. These magick rituals direct the group's energy via a shared intention to create a specific outcome.

A large enough store of this energy can give the channeler of a group, movement or cult super human abilities.

The image oriented mainstream media that causes us all to focus incessantly on the sexual act in our social lives, drives humanity into a state of hyper-sexualisation. This is an unhealthy state for the human being where our power is never truly within our grasp, where our sexual energy is constantly being whisked away by regular ejaculations. In a holy mystic school in a truly equal society where knowledge is equal, people would be raised in the power of the knowledge of what they possess. This is an ideal world that has existed before in ages past.

Sex magick and blood magick - it's all relevant and it has real effects on our reality. Intention + energy = outcome - the definition of magick.

Wake up to the power we all possess and learn to channel what you already have through directed intention, discipline, focus and meditation. I'm not a kook. This isn't rocket science, it's quantum physics.

In Love,


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