Survival is the first reality - The only reality that is really real.
While we live in many unnecessary realities in this pre-apocalyptic consumer driven world - I maintain the ability to differentiate between what is necessary for survival and what is not. If you're still dreaming of becoming a pop star, eating pop tarts, sleeping on a fluffy white mattress - be certain, your fall from delusion will be sudden and violent when real reality comes knocking. We can still participate in these numerous realities for now in our leisure but a skill-set based in survival is our foremost priority. This skill set is a living set of tools which is living, experiential knowledge.
What is surviving?
The spirit?
The ego?
The body?
What is necessary for the survival of all the parts of you that you deem necessary to push forward into the unforgiving future?
We cannot survive on the ability to use force alone. Our spirit also requires sustenance. We can only survive by working together, so community and communication are paramount to this skill-set. Take everything into account.
Have I experience with working with others as a community? What is my place within that community? Is it a necessary place in the community personality matrix for the survival of the community as a greater entity?
What values must I uphold for my 'self' to survive?
What will I fight to death to keep? Is it worth keeping? What is lost if I don't fight to keep what I deem necessary for the survival of my spirit?
What is community?
What is family?
What do I want?
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